Happy First Day of Spring!!!
The above picture is what Google has on their homepage. I love how they change it up from time to time. This is such a happy scene! Thanks, Tara, for telling me to log onto Google!
Consignment Shopping
Last week, a friend told me about a consignment sale at a local church. It was on a Friday and I was planning on just hanging out at home with the kids. Matthew and Champ were out of school that day and it was the first day since we moved in that we didn't have to go to school, practice, game, etc. I was really looking forward to just being at home, actually. But when I got my friend's email telling me it would start at 9:00, I bribed my kids with a donut stop on the way, and we were out of here in minutes. I got there and the early birds were already in line to check out - this was no ordinary line - it wrapped almost half way around the gym. I grabbed some great stuff for Brooke - adorable outfits and a few cute toys! The boys even got a working set of walkie talkies - they pretty much got whatever they found that they wanted that morning because I told them that I would be in and out in 15 minutes, and it took an hour. The line took 40 minutes, but it was worth it because I had a new warm weather wardrobe for Brooke and some new toys!
Here are just a few of the many things I found:
Look at this cute crocheted owl!! I mean, this stuff is soo cute!!
So, I washed it all and after it was ironed, it was hung beautifully in Brooke's closet. A couple days later, I was at Mimi's house grabbing a few things that we had left behind (from our move) when I found a tub of clothes that my friend, Amy, had given me about a year ago. I kept it all in a big container but with the move and all that we had going on, I had forgotten about it. So... enter bushel #2 of the cutest, most adorable clothes! I took the bin home, washed everything, and now it's all hanging beautifully in Brooke's closet.
The next day, my sweet next door neighbor called to tell me that she left a bag of clothes on my front porch that her 2 year old has outgrown. My goodness - can one child be SO lucky to have so many clothes?!!? I washed it all, some of it needs a little ironing, but it all hangs beautifully in Brooke's closet. She is SET for the Spring and Summer. I'm thrilled!!
I went to Marshall's to pick up some kick around shoes for Brooke and we found these:
They are open on the sides and back which give her little stinky feet some air to breathe while she's running around. I think they're adorable! Have I mentioned yet that this whole girl clothes thing is SO MUCH FUN!!?!
I love walking around Marshall's and TJ Maxx and places like that - I like hunting for cute things at good prices. Anyway, I came across these cute Easter towels and picked them up.
Each set comes with 2 towels - and they were only $4.99/set! They will make a cute teacher gift or hostess gift for Easter Sunday. Wrap a pack of jelly beans in the middle and tie it all up with raffia and you have yourself a cute gift! Or clip anything that is blooming right now, put it in a mason jar and give the gift of flowers and the towels. Adorable!
I have been picking up a bunch of these freeze dried snacks lately. My kids LOVE them. They are nothing more than freeze dried fruit - no additives, no preservatives - just a piece of good old fashioned fruit that has had all the liquid zapped out of it. It comes in a bunch of varieties - kiwi, cantaloupe, apple, pear, peaches, strawberries, etc. It's easy to throw one into a lunchbox or into your bag of snacks for the days when you're at the ball field for hours on end. They're crunchy and sweet and so nutritious! You can buy big packs containing 6 individually wrapped bags, which is what we do.
And this is a regularly stocked item in our household. I grab them from the freezer section at the grocery store. They are easy (takes 30 seconds to microwave) and they make a great snack for the kids - dipped in mustard, barbecue sauce or ranch dressing, they are quite tasty! Click
here for a coupon!
My go-to sweet snack lately is so good. I take a spoonful of Natural Jif and put it into a little coffee mug - I microwave it for 20 seconds until it melts a bit. Then I add a small container of fat free chocolate pudding. I mix the pudding with the peanut butter and it's just heavenly! It tastes SINFULLY good, but I consider it a pretty darn healthy dessert (with some protein!)! Thanks, Erika, for the suggestion!

How delicious are fresh blueberries? I just read that it's time to start planting them. If you have a sunny spot in your yard that is between 4 and 7 feet wide, pick up a bush and try your luck! Papa has a few blueberry bushes at the farm and in the heat of Summer, we sometimes pick them and it's so much fun to pick and eat that which is homegrown.
We have a lot of work to do in our backyard - I like to think of it as opportunity - we have lots of opportunity for landscape improvement in our backyard, but I hope to plant a few edible things soon. A couple Summers ago, we planted strawberries in an old whiskey barrel full of dirt. The first Summer they didn't yield many strawberries, but the next Summer, we were picking off deliciously sweet, bright red strawberries every week! You can pick up any of this at Pikc Nurseries. I was just on their Facebook page and saw this cute sign.
Happy Spring, everyone!