I needed to get some good healthy snacks as we seem to go through them at warp speed these days. Two hungry growing boys and a toddler = a lot of SNACKS. In fact, Brooke asks for snacks no less than 57 times a day. When we sit down for dinner, she'll ask me for a snack. So, I kindly fill a small bowl with steamed broccoli and hand her that "snack" - she gobbles it up and says, "more snack, please!"
I bought a bag of chips today and was so pleased with how they tasted. You know when you look at something in the store and it looks like it would taste really good - then you get it home and try it and it's nasty? This was not one of those foods. These chips are so yummy!

They are made with lentil powder which gives these chips a little dose of fiber. They taste like really good chips! Try them - they are amazing! I put them in Champ's lunchbox and he thought they were great! And Brooke loves eating these "kips", too.
And check out these cute little "pumpkin trees!" I saw them right as I walked into Trader Joe's! I'm not sure how long they'll be around, but if you are entertaining this month, buy a few bunches to decorate your table! They are so pretty and interesting and they'll make a good conversation piece because everyone will be talking about them!
I also bought Pumpkin Bread mix and baked it on Monday for a nice and warm afternoon snack. Everyone gobbled it up! In fact, it was so good (I thought), that a cute little bread loaf pan coupled with this mix would make a great hostess gift for the holidays!
There is a recipe on the side of the box for a glaze that you can put on top of the baked bread, and it is wonderful!! Makes a great snack, a great breakfast....
My kids love these little fruit leathers - at 49 cents a pop, they are inexpensive and made of all fruit! I grab a few of these and keep them in my car...Have you ever had those mornings when you're making lunch for your kids and you realize that you have no fruit? In my case lately, I feel like I've run out of bread or cheese or lunch meat or fruit... a little too often. I've been putting too much energy into finishing up my Christmas shopping and not enough into taking inventory, making good grocery lists, and doing big grocery shopping trips. That said, these fruit leathers are something I typically always have in my cabinet and when I don't have fresh fruit, I toss a few of these into the lunchbox!
And for something a little fun for the kids - I picked up some holiday Oreo's. They make me smile - not to mention they are one tasty treat. My goodness... as a kid, I would down these things a half dozen in a sitting. Mmm mmm. I have a feeling that our kids might wake up one morning to find Lewis, our elf, enjoying some of these with a glass half full of milk :). It's just a hunch I have.
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