December 7, 2012
I worked on a big project at Children's this Fall that culminated in a big celebration on November 30. It was a twelve week weight loss program modeled after NBC's The Biggest Loser. Collectively, the 50 participants lost over 850 pounds - amazing! The program itself ended at the beginning of November, so they had almost a month between the program ending and the celebration. As I took part in the joy of the celebration, I felt a re-awakening taking place. The participants were in a very intense twelve week program with a lot of structure, team camaraderie and support. When anything like that ends - when a way of life changes and goes back to a normal pace- it's easy to lose sight of the goal and get complacent. The celebration created a wave or rebirth, so to speak, for the participants. They were reminded that they do have the strength to keep going - they CAN do this - to be celebrated and reminded of the success they experienced - well, that was just what they needed to keep them going.
It's really what we all need from time to time. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day routine - working, shuffling kids from here to there, putting dinner on the table - even for me, someone who really enjoys cooking, I've gotten into a bit of a rut lately. I'm just tired! Tired and tired of cooking. The other day, I settled myself on my sofa with a cup of tea and my laptop, and I perused some cooking sites, looked at recipes, read through them, and gathered some new ideas. That is all it took for me to re-energize my passion for cooking.
Exercise is much the same way, right? For me, I go through waves - periods of time when I am running a lot - really feeling the groove and then it wanes and it's all I can do to go out for a 20 minute jog. Right before Thanksgiving when things were so busy for me both professionally and personally, I kind of fell out of my groove just a bit. Then my friend, Kerri, challenged me with the Holiday Running Streak - run at least one mile every day between Thanksgiving and New Year's. That's all it took for me (but I am one of those who loves a good challenge)! I have been out the door every day (with the exception of a couple days when I had a terrible cold and just couldn't bring myself to go) - even when I haven't wanted to - and it has been fun! We take pictures on our runs and post them on Instagram (follow me! ChristaBDavis).
So, what is it that you have let fall to the way side? Is there something you want to be doing but you're not because you're just too tired or just SOMETHING that is keeping you from doing it? I challenge you to find a way to re-energize yourself. Write down one goal (even if you have many goals - pick one) and then write down little things you can do to bring you closer to meeting your goal....Break it down further and ask yourself each day what you can do to bring yourself closer to meeting that goal.
In the spirit of re-awakening my love of cooking, I tasted the most wonderful appetizer at a holiday gathering a few days ago-filo wrapped asparagus. Oh, it was delicious! I want to share it with you in hopes that you can perhaps make this dish for your friends and loved ones over the holidays.
First, wash and trim your asparagus (take off the tough bottom part of the stalk). Unroll your filo dough and cut the stack down to a smaller size (otherwise, you'll have a TON of filo and wouldn't be able to enjoy the taste of the asparagus). Make sure that you have a damp cloth and plastic wrap so that you your filo dough doesn't dry out while you are assembling these (cover your stack with plastic wrap and a damp towel - then one by one as you're ready for a new piece, you take on out, leaving the rest of the pile damp and covered).
Take one square and gently brush some melted butter all over the surface of it. Sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese and then lay your asparagus stalk on it.
Next, roll it up. Repeat with however many you want to cook.
I brushed a little butter on top of them before putting them into a 375 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes.
Aren't they pretty? After they have cooled just a bit, put them on your serving dish.
Your guests (and you!) will absolutely love these (so long as they like asparagus). The asparagus snaps easily inside when you bite into it - and the flaky filo with the fresh asparagus and hint of butter and Parmesan is a wonderful combination. It makes for an elegant (even though it was super easy to make!) presentation and something you don't see often (in my case, at least!).
December 15, 2012
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your many blessings. Thank you for your son Jesus and for all that you provide for us each and every day. It is with a sad heart that I pray to you today. I heard a preacher on the news say that heaven became a brighter place yesterday when the Sandy Hook Elementary students and teachers graced the gates of Heaven. For this I am thankful. Please fill the hearts of all those family members and friends who lost loved ones yesterday - Lord, fill them with peace and calm and a growing faith in You. Help them find comfort in You and comfort in the fact that their children and loved ones are with You in a place of complete peace and comfort. Be with them, especially through this holiday season. Lord, please help me and my family to help others and to appreciate each other each and every day. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
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