My alarm buzzed at 5:35 a.m. this morning and I was extremely unhappy about that. I fought it for a few minutes and then reminded myself that the worst part of getting up so early is actually rising from my comfortable bed to make the journey to the bathroom. Once I started brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I felt instantly better and widely awake.
I did a run/walk for about 25 minutes and came home and did 3 sets of 10 each of mountain climbers and push-ups. It felt great to exercise, even if it was much less than I normally do.
After two relaxing weeks away, I packed my food for my day at the office. Preparation is key. Last night I cut up watermelon, shredded a rotisserie chicken and steamed some broccoli. I went ahead and put it into containers so that the next morning, all I had to do was grab and go on my way out the door.
Breakfast: 1 Nutrigrain waffle toasted with natural peanut butter, 2 cups decaf coffee (I've heard that because of how much is done to chemically make coffee caffeine free, it's better to drink regular, fully loaded coffee; however, I do not like being a slave to caffeine, so I continue to drink decaf)
No snack because I had a long meeting this morning. When I got back to my desk at lunchtime, I was ready to eat my own hands because I was STARVING. I ravenously ate my cut up rotisserie chicken, steamed broccoli, cut up watermelon and cheese stick. I polished this off with 2 squares of dark chocolate. Yummy...
Not enough.
An hour later I was starving so I had some Greek yogurt and a spoonful of natural peanut butter.
Then I got home and made enchiladas for dinner. While I made that I had some bites of almonds, watermelon, brown rice, pretzel goldfish, chicken, and cheese. (Moms in the world, doesn't this sound familiar? Do you do this while you're preparing a meal for your family? Snack on a bit of this and a bit of that?)
For dinner I had roasted peppers and onions, salad with chicken on top, a scoop of brown rice and a tall glass of water.
It is 9:25 p.m. and I'll be honest with you - I'm starving. I just poured myself a glass of red wine and am making my poster board for our family Olympic showdown (thank you, Allison! We've never been this engaged in the Olympics before!). I don't plan on eating anything else tonight because it's late and also because when I think back on my day, I feel that I've had plenty to eat. I think this is my body adjusting to a normal amount of food.
I'll report back tomorrow and let you know how it goes!
Day 2
I had my usual for breakfast, 1 Nutrigrain waffle with natural peanut butter. That and a cup of coffee... mmmm - it's my perfect breakfast!
Snack: I gobbled down a Lara bar.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these bars. More on these soon.
For lunch I ate about 1/2 cup brown rice with 1/2 cup black beans and 2 squares of dark chocolate.
I came home from work and had a handful of almonds and cooked dinner. The boys were gone so I just cooked some turkey bacon, eggs and spinach for dinner (with lots of hot sauce, of course). I followed that with a glass of wine and off to bed, I went.
Day 3 (today)
I woke up with NO energy. Not enough food on Day 2 - I set off for my run and turned it into a walk because I was so lacking in energy.
I remedied the no energy thing by eating more today. I've just read all that I've written so far and I'm really bored, so I know you must be. I'm no longer going to report what I'm eating - but will continue on this streak because I'm feeling pretty darn good - though it is an adjustment - most just in getting used to smaller portions and less carbs, but my body is happy with me.
The more I read about sugar, the more I want to cut it out of my diet completely. More on that soon.
For now, I need to join my husband on the sofa - hoping to see more of Ryan Lochte. Matt told me that I'd be a rich woman if I got a dollar every time I said, "Mmmm mmmm" whenever Lochte graces the TV screen. :)
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