Happy Friday! Here is a diverse hodge podge of favorites, but I like to shake things up a bit in general, so enjoy!
I picked up this bottle of soap for my kitchen and I am in love with soap (if it is indeed possible to be in love with soap). It smells fantastic and I like the clean look of the bottle. I bought this bottle at Whole Foods, where I always enjoy perusing the aisle with all of the natural cleaners on it. Well, I'm partial to the extreme clean that my bottle of Tilex gives to my bathrooms, so I'm not yet ready to go organic on my cleaning products. But, I did end up picking up this bottle in honeysuckle scent and it's smells sweet and fresh. And I'm telling ya - this wrapped inside a super cute kitchen towel and wrapped up in a bow makes a cute gift!
I took this video of Brooke earlier this Summer and it tickled me so much (as you can hear from my crazy laughter in the background) that I wanted to share it with you.... and then send it in to America's Funniest Home Videos (I'll let you know if we win anything). Keep in mind that she is still in diapers and has never actually used the actual potty.
Mimi introduced me to this delicious champagne vinaigrette dressing (first bottle) several years ago. I used to always keep a bottle in my fridge but I guess after a while, I got tired of it and switched to something else. Well, we've gotten back together and I now have a bottle in my refrigerator again. It's just a really good and tasty vinaigrette. Buy some.

I took my boys to Six Flags the week before school started as a little farewell to Summer activity, and we had a blast! This has become our annual back to school tradition. In fact, I may start training for it next year. Geez - that place is exhausting! We tore threw that park and maximized every minute we had. We were all so excited. I told the boys we had 4-5 hours and boy did we rip through that park like a few crazy people. The key is to go after most schools are back in session so the park is not at full capacity. That way, there are minimal lines and you can enjoy rides 2 and 3 times over! (though this proves for some to be more of a curse than
a blessing - take your Advil).
Those of you who have ever been shopping with me (Allison, think of our trip to the Mart) - there is no lolly gagging - it's all about go-go-go. Let's be efficient and walk walk walk. Water? Food? Who needs THAT when you're on a mission. That's how we rolled at Six Flags, except it was the boys who were telling ME we didn't need to stop for food or drink.
I wanted to experience the fun and not just watch them ride the rides, so I learned that if I closed my eyes and prayed, with God's help, I could manage my fear. It's funny - I loved all the rides as a child - the wilder, the better. Well, as and adult I spend a lot of time with God when I'm at Six Flags. God and I talked about how wonderful He is - how wonderful my life has been - I asked him to please take care of Brooke and Matt if the boys and I perished. I was convinced - and I mean THOROUGHLY CONVINCED - that we were going to be a death statistic before the day was through. Contrary to what my own crystal ball was telling me, we made it through the day. We can't wait to again next year! I'm a sucker!

Ahhh.. my favorite pass time. I love Words With Friends. I've been playing for over a year now and I love it more and more with each day. I have not tired of it one bit. I play against people I know with the exception of one random opponent, who has become, over the year, a friend in ways - a friend with whom I share very little other than the occasional, "Happy Friday!" or "Merry Christmas!" Back when I was up three times a night nursing Brooke, this random opponent kept me occupied during these middle of the night feedings. Remember when I blogged about dropping my phone into the toilette? My first thought as it fell into the depths of the toilette bowl was, "No.... Words With Friends!!!!!" (slow motion). I felt like Tom Hanks in the movie, Castaway, when Wilson fell off the boat. The first thing I did when I got my new phone was start a game with my random opponent. I heart this game and my random opponent!
Have a lovely weekend! We are off to visit the Food Truck Park on Saturday and will report back next week!
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