Friday, May 11, 2012

Hidden Secret

I'm going to make this post as quick as I can.  I have a FUN day ahead that I've been looking forward to for weeks!  I'm living the "celebrity life" today - meeting Debbie for a pedicure at 10:45 and then heading over to our friend's house for a bday celebration with about 10 women by her resort like pool.  I can't wait!!  I have made childcare arrangements for the kids and I'm ready to relax and enjoy!!  A great start to Mother's Day weekend, for sure!

A few weeks ago I made twice baked potatoes - a family favorite.  I believe I served them alongside barbecue meatloaf (which I can't believe I haven't shared this yet with you because it's SOOO good - and I'm NOT a meatloaf gal).  I started with four potatoes in a 450 degree oven for about an hour - or until tender to the fork's piercing.

When these potatoes were almost done, I chopped andboiled a head of cauliflower.

I strained the cauliflower and then put it in my food processor and cranked it up until it was almost pureed.

I scooped out the potatoes and put the potato pulp into a bowl. I added about half of the mashed cauliflower.  Check this out - you can't tell what's potato and what's cauliflower!

I added my "mixers" (salt, pepper, butter, ranch, shredded cheese):

I mixed it up with a fork and knife - careful not to over mix because when over mixed, it becomes gummy and gross.  I scooped the mixture back into the potatoes - top with cheese (freshly grated, of course.  I always like to freshly grate cheese if I have time because the flavor and texture is so much better!) - put into a dish - cover with foil and I'm ready to cook them later at dinnertime!

I like to prepare as much as I can ahead of time (in the morning) because you know how it is with a toddler.  Come 5 or 6 o'clock, she has no more patience - she's hungry - the boys are tired - I'm frantically trying to throw dinner together.... it's just not the calm scene that I prefer...

The beauty of this dish is that no one knows that they're eating cauliflower.  It's a hidden secret!  I kept half the mashed cauliflower for myself and added salt, pepper, cheese and a little butter - my own twice baked cauliflower mash - and it was excellent!  I didn't miss the potato ONE BIT - and I saved myself calories and carbs. 

The downside - as always - is the clean-up that must take place when you're done - that's when we wives need wives, right?  Maybe there is something to be said for that guy who has 4 wives (the one with the reality show)?!!  Ha!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas out there!!  Sit back, relax and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!

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