Monday, December 5, 2011


Stockings, that is...

I picked up some great stocking stuffers for my boys.  I went to the Container Store and Ace Hardware this morning and aside from a few candies and lottery tickets, their stockings are ready to be stuffed!  I love when my friends share with me their gift ideas and purchases, so I will, in turn, share mine with you!

I found these fun drinking straws at the Container Store for $3.99

These fun ties stick on to a t-shirt for "dress up" and can be used over and over.  My boys aren't really into dressing up, but I thought it would be a fun thing for them to mess around with.  Normally $3.99 for one tie, they were on sale this morning for $2.99! 

These drawing tablets are perfect for restaurant or car entertainment - or for a rainy day.  You just need a black pen or marker - the kids can draw anything they like and when they look their creation through the 3-D glasses, their image jumps off the page!  $6.99 at the Container Store.

At Ace Hardware, I grabbed some fuzzy socks and gloves for the kids - socks for a buck and gloves for a couple bucks.  The kids have always told me that Santa leaves the coolest, most unexpected gifts in their stockings. 

I ordered a couple of samples from a company called Snack Taxi.  They make cloth snack/sandwich bags that are reusable and washable (safe in the dishwasher or washing machine).  They come in a wide variety of patterns - you can buy patterns suited for a boy or more feminine, girly patterns for a girl.  I don't know about you, but I pack a lunch and a snack for my boys daily, and I go through a TON of plastic sandwich bags.  I have not totally switched over from plastic, but I'm trying.  When I finish my current box of GLAD sandwich bags, I'm switching over to these bags from Snack Taxi.  You'll save money in the long run and it's MUCH better for the environment!  I thought they would make good stocking stuffers.

Our elf, Lewis, has been here for three days already.  The first day, we found him in front of the fireplace.  A bunch of rocks and ash had spilled out onto the hearth (LEWIS!!), and he had in his satchel a book called, "Christmas Stories for Bedtime" (thank you, Kerri!), a collection of Bible based Christmas stories for kids. 

The second day he brought battery operated candles for the boys' bedsides ($3.99 for 2 at Target).

And this morning, he flipped over Brooke's pack-n-play in the kitchen and he was inside with a half eaten bag of marshmallows, an empty Gatorade and our open laptop with this website open:, a fun website for kids to visit throughout the Christmas season. 

Happy Shopping and Elfing!!