Monday, July 30, 2012

Auf Wiedersehen, Amelia!

Yesterday was our final day at the beach and even though we are already planning a long weekend down here in the Fall, it saddened me to be leaving our stress free, family-rich, fun filled vacation.  We took a great many pictures and captured everything we did. 

While I didn't devote much time for exercise, I was very active on vacation - we walked everywhere, played on the beach, ran up and down the stairs and of course, chased Brooke all over the place.  I'm looking forward to dedicated time for exercise in the early mornings now that I'm back.  In thinking about my diet (not diet to lose weight, but the overall diet of what I consume on a day to day basis), I could definitely do better.  I've been thinking, What would I feel like if I ate what I consider to be a clean diet for an entire week?  ("Clean" for me means cutting out white flour, extra sugar including breads and sweets, beer... increasing lean proteins, vegetables, small portions of fruit, a glass of red wine - really consuming things that are GOOD for me - being able to identify something GOOD in everything I eat or drink).  I've decided to try and blog about my 7 day Clean Streak

I ate fairly healthy while on vacation but I was lazy with my own eating - often skipping meals or having a piece of toast with peanut butter for lunch instead of taking the time to make myself a veggie filled salad.  I nibbled on the kids' candy and ice cream... I don't think I took in more calories than normal; I just didn't give thought or effort towards filling myself with good and nutritious foods. 
So, here's my plan.  I'm going to document all that I'm eating/drinking, what I do for exercise, and how I'm feeling.  My hope is that after one week, I'm feeling GREAT!  I'm a mom of three growing children who need calories and I'm not going to cook any differently than I normally do - I'll just modify what I eat. 

Why share this with you?  Have you ever seen those pages in magazines where a celebrity answers questions about what is in their purse, on their iPod, what a typical day of eating looks like, etc.?  Well, much of the time, these celebrities eat raw vegetable diets or some insanely restrictive diet that I just don't find realistic.  So, I want to eat what I consider to be an attainably healthy diet and let you know what I think!  I'm hoping that you might find something to take away from my experience.  Maybe for fun, I'll even share with you what's in my purse!

For now, I bid Amelia a heartfelt goodbye...

Goodbye marsh!

Goodbye beautiful playground that Brooke loves!

Goodbye comfy den!

Goodbye bright kitchen!

Goodbye porch that overlooks the lagoon and golf course

Auf Wiedersehen (German for Until I see you again), Amelia!

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