Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Moppin Sauce and Triathlons

I promise to share a recipe soon.  I have been documenting my future blogs with lots of pictures.  So, it's not that I'm lacking in material.  It's utter laziness.  I'm sitting here in front of my computer with my lovely glass of wine which I shall show you with a picture.

My camera is somewhere in my house (I know because I just used it to take pictures of my chicken schnitzel just a couple days ago!), but I'm too tired right now to get up and look for it.  I have spent the past week doing things like painting and hanging pictures with my extra time.  Organization is next on the list.  So, when I tackle that, I'll be sure to house my camera near my computer - and then I'll be back to blogging recipes.

I did try something new this evening.  In my Eat Right Atlanta basket, I found some bok choy.  I've never cooked bok choy before.  My friend, Tara, told me to cook it like I do spinach, only higher heat and for longer.  I washed it and cut the thick part out of the middle and threw it into a skillet with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper and chopped garlic (also in my Eat Right Atlanta basket).  I sauteed it for 12 minutes or so.

 I was craving greens tonight, so I had a plate full of them!  I roasted some brussel sprouts and asparagus and then had a scoop of shredded chicken with Stubbs Moppin Sauce. 

Stubbs Moppin Sauce Barbecue Baste Marinade

Okay, let me just tell you how much my family LOVES this sauce!  It is a basting sauce, but we use it as barbecue sauce.  It is a vinegar based, wonderfully spiced sauce - with no high fructose corn syrup - very low in calories and carbs.  We love it on chicken barbecue - on quesadillas.  We actually put it on all sorts of foods as a condiment.  When I had gestational diabetes, I used this instead of regular barbecue sauce (regular barbecue sauce used to spike my blood sugar levels, and I could eat Moppin Sauce and be just fine).  I have even put a few chicken breasts into a crock pot with 1/2 bottle of this sauce and cooked it on low for 5 hours.  Shred it and serve it on whole wheat buns and you have yourself some mighty fine barbecue!

If I may share a personal highlight with you... Matthew was interviewed by Atlanta In Town Newspaper, a free newspaper publication that can be found at all sorts of in town locations, for his triathlon experience.  Click the link below to read it.  It's pretty amusing!


He hopes, schedule permitting, to be able compete in Iron Kids again this Summer.  Let me just tell you that if your child has any interest, it was a GREAT experience for Matthew.  He felt like he really achieved something and it made him feel great!  Kids have amazing energy anyway, so why not channel it into something like this?  Let me know if your child wants to sign up for any one of the kids' tri's in the area. 

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