Monday, October 17, 2011

These Boots are made for Walking

I stopped by Target this weekend to buy some cute little boots for Brooke.  Brooke got her first real pair of shoes on Wednesday and while I was waiting in line at Nordstrom to pay for them, I was looking at the Ugg boots for girls.  Asking if they had some for toddlers, the salesperson said yes, for $90.00.  Well.... this mama doesn't pay $90.00 for shoes for a one year old.  I just don't see the sense in that, but I knew I wanted to find some cute little boots for her anyway.  So, I surfed the web and found a cute pair at Target for $14.99 and was really excited to buy them.  Who knew that shopping for a girl would be THIS much fun?  Here she is sporting her new boots...

They say boots are made for walking (not tripping), so I think I'll put them away for a few weeks until she's a little steadier on her feet.

You know how Target is.  You go to buy one thing, and you walk out with 5.  I was walking towards the checkout when I noticed a jeans rack with these jeans.

Women's dENiZEN™ from Levi's® brand Jeans - Midrise Boot Cut - Ocean
This is the Target model - not me :)

I HEART these jeans!  Levi's makes them - they are the Denizen brand and cost only $24.99 (though I just discovered that they are on sale for $19.99 online today).  They fit perfectly and I love the way they feel - the mid rise is just perfect - and they're boot cut which I love!  Comfort is key for me these days, I'm finding lately that a woman (or a man, for that matter) cannot own too many pairs of jeans.  I found some great looking dark Joes Jeans at Loehman's a few weeks ago for $79.00.  Made with a very tall woman in mind, I had to pay $9.00 to have them hemmed, but a pair of good jeans for $88.00 is worth every penny! 

I do love to find good buys.  My friend, Kerri, has always delighted in finding unique items at a good price - she enjoys the hunt.  Anyone can walk into a store and pay $175.00 for a good pair of jeans, but it takes a real expert to hunt for a good pair of jeans for $75.00.  I tend to agree with her (when I have the time).